Renew Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax for Street Repair, Maintenance, Safety
This ballot measure would renew an already in-place tax on gasoline of 10 cents per gallon. This tax was approved in 2016 and renewed in 2020 by voters. Upon renewal, this would continue funding the "Fixing our Streets" campaign dedicated to street repair, safety projects, pothole repair, sidewalk improvement and much more.
Associated Bills:
This ballot measure would renew an already in-place tax on gasoline of 10 cents per gallon. This tax was approved in 2016 and renewed in 2020 by voters. Upon renewal, this would continue funding the "Fixing our Streets" campaign dedicated to street repair, safety projects, pothole repair, sidewalk improvement and much more.
What it will do for our communities:
Early maintenance and repair of our roads reduces costs and creates a more safe environment for our communities. The “Fixing Our Streets” campaign prioritizes streets in fair condition to avoid costly rebuilds in the future, busy streets that carry transit and freight, local streets vital to Portland’s all-ages-and-abilities Neighborhood Greenway network and streets in neighborhoods with communities of color and low-income residents.