Elevating Issues through Advocacy & Community Building.

Since 1996, APANO continues to work in the Portland metro area and beyond, offering direct services primarily to Asian communities.  

Our Origins & History.

In March of 2017, APANO Statewide was registered as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit. Renamed in 2023 as APANO Action Fund (AF), we engage in electoral organizing for political candidates at the state and local levels of city, county, and school board.

With a shared mission from sibling organization APANO, one of Oregon’s oldest and longest-standing Asian advocacy organization, we are also active in voter engagement, local and statewide ballot measure organizing and policy lobbying, activities that APANO can also participate in as a registered 501(c)(3).

Our Mission

To unite Asians to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development, and cultural work.


We envision a just world where Asians and communities who share our aspirations and struggles have the power, resources, and voice to determine our own futures,  and where we work in solidarity to drive political, social, economic, and cultural change.

The values that shape
all that we do

Self Determination

We build the political, social, economic and cultural power our communities need to thrive. We use our power to shape decisions and pursue intersecting forms of justice to create a vibrant, inclusive and equitable world for all.


We strive to be true to our values in our work, to be accountable to our communities, and to treat ourselves and each other with dignity and compassion.


We practice care, compassion and respect for ourselves, each other and the earth to sustain ourselves and our efforts to uplift our community.


We believe relationships are sources of strength, support, and power. We listen to allies, partners, and communities — especially those who identify as Black, Indigenous and people of color — in their aspirations and struggles, and working together to cultivate trust and connections.


We create spaces and communities where we can feel a sense of belonging, where we can be ourselves and be visible, where our stories are amplified and where our heritage and experiences are recognized.

APANO & APANO Action Fund. What's the difference?

APANO AF works in tandem with our sister organization, APANO. Contributions made to either organization will be used to support, promote and advance our shared goal of uniting Asians to achieve social justice.


APANO Action Fund (AF) is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization that may engage in legislative lobbying and certain political activity. Donations made to support APANO AF are not tax-deductible.


APANO Communities United Fund (CUF), also referred to as APANO, is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. Contributions to APANO are tax-deductible. Learn more about APANO at their website below.